33 Intriguing Birds that Start with O

Birds that start with O are unique and interesting creatures. The ostrich is one of the largest birds in the world and can run up to 40 mph. The owl is known for its large eyes and ability to see in the dark. The oriole is a brightly-colored bird that can often be found near fruit trees. 

And, there are other lesser known birds that begin with letter O that we’ll look at in the article below. If you are a birder looking to add more birds to your birding journal, this article is for you. 

List of Birds that start with O

1. Orchard oriole

Orchard orioles are a species of bird that measures up to 7.1 inches with a 9-inch wingspan.These are sexually dimorphic birds. 

Males have a gorgeous chestnut-brown on its chest and bell and a black hooded head. Their tails are black and long. 

Female orchard orioles feature a pale yellow color with streaked wings. Also, young males share a similar color with females but have a black throat that helps distinguish them. 

Orchard orioles breed in the springtime and make their homes in tree cavities or nests that they build themselves. These birds feed on insects, fruit and nectar.

2. Ochre-cheeked spinetail

Found in some dry forests in Brazil, Ochre-cheeked Spinetails are a small passerine bird. Like the orchard orioles, these small birds that start with o have a gorgeous chestnut brown on their feathers with tails. They also have a gray crown that’ll help you distinguish them easily. 

The Ochre-cheeked Spinetail’s diet consists mainly of insects; however, it will also consume fruit and nectar when available.

3. Olivaceous flycatcher

African forests are home to some of the most interesting birds. The Olivaceous Flycatcher is a small passerine bird that has gray underparts and legs and brown upperparts. 

 This bird feeds on insects, which it captures in midair. The Olivaceous Flycatcher typically breeds in open woodlands or scrubland and has high pitched calls. 

4. Olive bulbul

Beautiful but shy, the olive bulbul is a passerine bird in the bulbul family. It is a resident breeder in dense vegetation.

 Olive bulbuls are about 6.6 inches long. They have solid brown upperparts and paler underneath. The bill and legs are also brown. 

The song of the olive bulbul is a loud descending scale with phrases repeated two or three times. The call is a “chee-c”.

5. Owls

There are more than 20 species of owls in the world, some as large as a vulture and others as small as a sparrow. Owls have powerful eyes and hearing that help them hunt prey in the night. They can rotate their heads 270 degrees to see in all directions.

Owls are nocturnal animals, which means that they are active at night. They eat mostly small animals, but they will also eat insects.

In the US, the most common types of owls include:

  • Great horned owl 
  • The northern spotten owl 
  • Mountain pygmy owl 
  • Spotted owl 
  • Elf owl 
  • Burrowing owl 

6. Osprey

The osprey is a raptor that can be found throughout North America. This bird is typically seen in open areas such as lakes, rivers, and the coastlines. 

Ospreys are very efficient hunters, and their talons are specially adapted to gripping prey.

7. Owlet-Nightjar

The owlet-nightjar is a small, nocturnal bird that inhabits tropical forests across the Americas. This small, sleek bird has a long tail and wingspan. It is a nocturnal creature, preferring to hunt at night. They are shy birds and are not often seen by humans.  They feed mostly on insects, but will also eat fruit.

8. Olive sunbird

Bright, small but very active. Olive sunbirds are small, slender yellow-bellied birds that feed mainly on nectar. 

How do you differentiate males from females? When you go birdwatching, focus your binoculars to the throat. Males have a blue spot on their throats and females don’t. 

Both sexes have a deep green on their back and wings. The olive sunbird feeds on nectar from flowers, and it can often be seen hovering near blossoms. 

This bird is very territorial, and will defend its feeding area aggressively against other birds. The olive sunbird builds a nest out of small twigs and grasses, and typically lays two eggs that take up to 14 days to hatch. 

9. Orange-eyed flatbill

Remember the kosrae fruit doves that we looked at when we explored the list of birds that start with k? Those doves have the same color as the orange-eyed flatbills. 

These birds have a small grayish crown with olive green uppers and yellowish belly. The orange-eyed flatbill prefers to live in dense, moist forests near water. It feeds on insects and other small prey items.

10. Orangequit

With small black, slightly curved bills, orangequits are small birds that are residents to some countries in the Caribbean. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups, and are known for their beautiful blue plumage with orange throats for males and warm brown back with light blue underparts for females. 

These birds are insectivores, and feed mainly on insects and spiders. They are also known to eat nectar from flowers. Orangequits are very active birds, and are constantly moving around in search of food. They are also very vocal, and can be heard singing throughout the day.

11. Orinoco goose

Though most of us associate orinoco geese with the common goose family, these birds belong to the shelduck family; a group of water birds. 

  Orinoco geese are large waterfowls found in tropical South America. These geese are easily recognized by their long neck and head, which are covered in white feathers. The underneath is mostly brown while the upperparts and black with white spots. They have long red legs and  pinkish black bills. Males and females share similar traits, but males are slightly larger.

Orinoco geese inhabit slow-moving rivers, marshes, and lakes. They are diurnal birds that feed on aquatic plants and invertebrates. They can also be found grazing on lawns near water bodies. Orinoco geese form monogamous pairs that remain together for life.

12. Orange-bellied antwren

The orange-bellied antwren is a small, brown bird that is insectivorous, meaning that it eats insects. The orange-bellied antwren can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, scrublands, and even gardens.

 This bird is active during the day, and can be seen foraging for food on the ground or in trees. This bird beginning with o builds a nest out of twigs and grasses, which it typically places high in a tree. This bird is monogamous, and both parents help to care for the young.

13. Olive-chested flycatcher

On the foothills of the Andes there resides a small songbird that is sexually monomorphic. Females and males have similar colors and build. 

 The olive-chested flycatcher is insectivorous and feeds on a variety of insects, including beetles, caterpillars, and ants. This bird is usually found in open areas such as fields and gardens. The olive-chested flycatcher is a common bird and can be found in many parts of its range.

14. One-colored becard

The one-colored becard is a small, colorful bird found in Central America. They are usually seen perched high in the trees, and can be difficult to spot.

These birds are insectivores, and eat mostly bugs. They are very vocal, and can be heard singing throughout the day. One-colored becards mate for life, and build their nests together. The female lays 2-4 eggs. These birds are dimorphic with blackish males and rusty-colored females. 

15. Ochre-breasted brushfinch

With a gorgeous orange head and sturdy brown feet, the ochre-breasted brushfinch is a medium-sized passerine bird that can be found in montane forests. Like the one-colored becards, these birds are monomorphic. It’s hard to tell males and females apart. 

They mainly feed on insects, but also eat fruit. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups, foraging for food on the ground or in trees.

16. Olive-tree warbler

There are numerous types of warblers and they all come in different types of shapes, colors and sizes. The olive-tree warbler is part of this family.

What will help you tell this species apart from others in their family are the long gray wings and orange-yellow bill. Olive-tree warblers produce loud squeaks and croaking sounds. They lay up to 4 eggs. 

They are insectivorous. 

17. Ochre-bellied dove

The ochre-bellied dove is a species of bird that is found in parts of Central and South America. These small-headed birds are typically about 9 inches in length and have a wingspan of about 12 inches. 

They are a reddish-purple color with a paler belly and head. Ochre-bellied doves eat seeds, fruits, and insects. They build nests out of sticks in trees or shrubs, and lay 2-3 eggs per clutch. Ochre-bellied doves are monogamous, and both the male and female help to care for the young.

18. Olive spinetail

Another group of birds that start with o are the olive spinetails. They are small sparrow-like birds that are found in open forest and woodland, often near water. They are also very active forager, eating insects and other small prey.

The first thing you’ll notice about them is the long chestnut tail. Upperparts are mostly brown except for the small chestnut patch on the wings. 2–3 eggs are laid, which are incubated by both parents for about two weeks. The young are fed by both parents for about two more weeks before they are able to fly and leave the nest.

19. Ostrich

The ostrich is a large, flightless bird that lives in Africa. They are one the largest living birds in the world. Ostriches can weigh up to 300 pounds and stand up to 9 feet tall. They have long legs and necks and a small head. Ostriches eat a variety of things, including plants, fruit, seeds, insects, and small animals. They can run up to 40 mph and can live for up to 40 years.

20. Orange weaver

One of the most commonly recognized birds in Africa is the orange weaver. Preferring mangroves and swampy regions, this medium-sized bird has a bright orange body with hints of black on the wings and black tail. Females are more greenish-yellow. 

Orange weavers are usually found in flocks near water sources, where they feed on insects. These  social birds nest in colonies, often with other species of weavers. Nests are made of grass, twigs, and leaves, and are typically placed in tree branches or bushes. Females lay 2-4 eggs, which both parents help to incubate. Young chicks are fed by both parents and typically fledge within two weeks.

21. Ochre-collared monarch

The first time I saw this medium-sized bird I thought, “That’s unique. Every birder needs to see this.” So, in your birding journal, write down the ochre-collared monarch bird and ensure to plan for a bird watching trip in central America where you’ll find it plus other birds on our list. 

The ochre-collared monarch is a unique bird that features a beautiful orange chest, white belly, black wings and back with a white patch and stunning blue-ringed eyes.   

The ochre-collared monarch is not considered endangered, but it is threatened by habitat loss. This species can be found in several protected areas throughout its range.

22. Orange-breasted trogon

What strikes me most about trogon birds is their tails. Most of the birds in this family have stunningly long tails and the orange-breasted trogon is no different. 

This species is considered to be a medium-sized bird, with adults reaching up to 12 inches in length.

 They are a beautiful green and orange color, with a long tail and green-yellow head. They live in tropical rainforests, where they eat insects and fruit. They have black-and white speckled wings. 

 These trogons are relatively quiet birds. Their vocals include “tau” sounds. 

23. Olivaceous piha

Another olive colored bird that begins with letter o is the olivaceous piha. They are a species of birds that are found in the rainforest. 

 They are typically about 7 inches in length and have a white-ringed eye and gray legs. These birds are known for their loud, distinct calls which can be heard from far away. They are insectivores and feed mainly on insects and other small invertebrates.

 Olivaceous piha nests are typically built in tree cavities, but they will also use nests made by other animals or even use abandoned buildings. These birds are monogamous and both the male and female take care of the young.

24. Orange chat

Not to be confused with the orange weaver, the orange chat is a songbird that is endemic to Australia. And it’s beautiful just like the weaver we looked at above. 

This gregarious species is often seen in flocks of 10 or more. These birds are colorful, with orange-yellow underparts and head and streaked back. They have a thin, pointed bill and black eyes. Orange chats eat insects and other small creatures, typically gleaned from the ground or foliage.

These birds are known for their cheerful song, which has been likened to the sound of a tinkling bell. 

25. Oriental cuckoo

One of the more interesting birds that begins with the letter “O” is the oriental cuckoo. This bird is a member of the cuckoo family and measures about 13 inches long.

 It has a long tail and gray feathers on its back and head while the belly is white with black streaks. The most distinguishing feature of the oriental cuckoo is its stunning yellow eyes that are surrounded by an equally striking yellow ring. 

The oriental cuckoo is a brood parasite, which means that it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. The host birds then incubate and care for the eggs and young cuckoos until they are able to fledge.

26. Olive ibis

Olive ibis is one of the most interesting birds in the world. With its iridescent bronze and green tinges, the bird really does not stand out like some birds on this list. They are usually shorter than other birds in their family, with a long neck and beak.

Olive ibises are found in Africa, where they live in marshes, wetland areas, and near rivers and lakes. They eat mostly fish, but also insects, frogs, and other small animals. They are very good at catching prey with their long beaks.

These birds are monogamous, which means that they mate for life. After mating, the female builds a nest made of sticks and grasses in a tree or on the ground. The chicks stay with their parents for some time before becoming independent.

27. Ovenbird

Small, chunky and very active, ovenbirds are small birds that are slightly larger than the warbler. To put into perspective, the common warbler measures about 4.5 inches while ovenbirds measure up to 5.5 inches. 

Ovenbirds have a small thick beak that they use to probe the ground for food. They are shy birds that spend most of their time in the trees or on the ground searching for food. Ovenbirds eat insects, berries, and nuts. They build their nests out of mud and sticks and lay 3-4 eggs in it. The eggs are incubated for about two weeks and the chicks stay in the nest for another two weeks before fledging.

28. Olomaʻo

Olomaʻo are small, about 5 inches long, sparrow-like birds with mostly brown plumage. They can be found in open woodlands and shrublands on all of the main Hawaiian Islands.

Despite their common name, olomaʻo are not particularly closely related to Old World sparrows. Rather, they are more closely related to other Hawaiian thrushes such as omao.. Like most thrushes, olomaʻo are insectivores but also feed on fruit. 

29. Ochre-breasted catbird

The ochre-breasted catbird is a unique bird that is found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Africa. This species is a medium-sized bird that has a length of between 9 and 11 inches. 

They feature gorgeous green wings and a yellowish speckled chest,  throat and belly. The black spots really standout and make it easy for birders to identify this species. 

30. Ochre-naped ground tyrant

One of the migratory birds that made it to our list of birds that start with o is the ochre-naped ground tyrant. Large and all gray, these birds are a member of the tyrant flycatcher family.This bird is insectivorous, and typically feeds on small bugs that are found near the ground.

Ochre-naped ground tyrants are usually seen singly or in pairs, and prefer to live in open areas such as fields, meadows, or scrubland. They are known for their loud, musical songs, which can be heard from long distances.

31. Ornate hawk-eagle

The ornate hawk-eagle is a raptor found in the tropical forests of the Americas. They are large birds, with adults averaging 24 inches in length and 3 lbs in weight. The plumage is striking, with orangish upperparts and barred underneath. Immature birds, though rarely seen, have white heads. 

The diet of the ornate hawk-eagle consists mainly of small mammals such as monkeys, rodents, and bats. It also eats birds, lizards, and insects. This raptor hunts by perching high in a tree and scanning the forest below for prey. When it spots something it likes, the eagle swoops down to capture it in its talons.




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