40 Birds that Start with J (Images + Facts)

There are many interesting birds out there and they have different names based on their traits like color, bill, or what they eat. In this article, we will be looking at the birds that start with J.

From common jays to juncos to jabirus, these birds are a great sight for any bird watcher. We’ll explore their physical traits, vocals, breeding habits, and scientific name. Let’s get started.

Birds that start with J

1. Jabiru

Jackdaw bird

What is a jabiru? This is a large, black and white stork found in parts of Texas. It is related to the storks of Europe, South America and Asia.

They are mostly seen in pairs or small flocks, foraging in shallow water or fields for fish, frogs, insects, and small mammals. Jabirus are very large birds, standing nearly five feet tall and having a wingspan of up to nine feet and can weigh up to 19 lbs.

These large birds beginning with letter J prefer nesting on tall trees and their young ones fledge after 3 months.

2. Jambu fruit dove

Jambu fruit dove


Jambu fruit doves are bird species that are native to forests of Southeast Asia. They are a small dove, with a length of about 9 inches and a weight of about 1.5 ounces.

They have a green back and neck, with a white chest and belly. They have a yellow beak and red face and feet. Notice the beautiful white eye-ring. Jambu fruit doves eat fruits, seeds, and insects.

3. Jackson’s spurfowl

Jackson's spurfowl


The Jackson’s spurfowl is a bird that is found in parts of Africa. It is a member of the Phasianidae family, which also includes pheasants and turkeys.

This bird is a ground-dwelling bird that prefers open areas with short grass. It has a brown back and wings, and a heavily streaked underside. The bill and legs are red.

4. Japanese bush warbler

Japanese bush warbler

Japanese bush warblers are small passerine birds that are endemic to Japan. They are mostly brown on their upside and dusky colored underside.

Japanese bush warbler is a terrestrial species that typically inhabits dense forests and scrublands. It is a vocal species, and has been known to sing for hours at a time. Their notes include “hoo-hokekyo” sounds. They are a monogamous species, and both parents take care of the young.

5. Jungle bush quail

Jungle bush quail


Secretive and sexually dimorphic, the jungle bush quail is a small bird found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. These quails prefer to stay hidden in the dense undergrowth.

Males measure up to 7 inches long and heavily streaked brown above and barred below. Females are streaked brown above and plain brown underparts.

They are opportunistic feeders, eating a variety of insects, seeds such as millet, and fruits. Jungle bush quails are monogamous, forming pairs that remain together for life. They build their nests on the ground, typically laying four to eight eggs that hatch after three weeks.

6. Jamaican blackbird

Jamaican blackbird


Black is gorgeous. The Jamaican blackbird is a species of bird that is found in Jamaica. It is a medium-sized bird that has a black head and body.

It is also omnivorous, and feeds on insects, fruit, and seeds. It is a common bird, and can be found in both rural and urban areas. These species are endangered.

7. Japanese night heron

Are there night herons in Japan? Yes, and it is referred to as the Japanese night heron or Gorsachius goisagi. This plain bird is mostly brown with a weird hunched appearance. Its diet is mainly made up of snails and earthworms.

This bird beginning with j is a migratory bird, moving to other Asian countries that are warmer when it’s winter in Japan. Breeding season starts in May – July.

8. Javan green magpie

Javan green magpie

Green, beautiful, the Javan green magpie is a critically endangered species that is from the Corvidae. It is related to Eurasian jays and crows. It is found in Bali and Java.

It’s easy to spot because of its green body, brown wingtips and red bill. It is the only species of magpie found in Southeast Asia.

9. Juniper titmouse

The juniper titmouse is a small songbird that is found in the western United States. This bird is named for its preference for juniper trees, where it builds its nests. The juniper titmouse is a common sight in many parts of its range, and is known for its vocalizations, which include a variety of whistles and chirps.

It’s mostly gray with a small crest. Its natural habitat includes pine and juniper woodlands.

10. Javan pond heron

 Javan pond heron

With long graceful legs and sharp black-tipped bill, the Javan Pond Heron is a beautiful bird that can be found near water sources. They are black and white with a brown head.

This heron species measures about 18 inches and prefers rice fields. These birds are usually shy and will stay away from humans, but they are known to be very graceful when they walk or fly.

11. Jamaican owl

What types of owls are found in Jamaica? Two types are endemic to this island nation; the Jamaican owl or the Asio grammicus and the barn owl or the tyto alba.

The Jamaican Owl is a medium-sized, nocturnal bird of prey and is the only owl species found in the Greater Antilles.It is mostly brown streaked and produces high and low “wa-waa-o” sounds.

It has a round head with prominent ear tufts, and yellow eyes. The Jamaican Owl feeds on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

12. Jacobin cuckoo

The Jacobin cuckoo is a medium-sized migratory bird that is also known as the pied cuckoo. Preferring dense evergreen broadleaf forest of Africa, this bird is mostly dark above with whitish underparts.

The Jacobin cuckoo is known for its distinct call, which sounds like “piu-piu”. These birds are brood parasites, which means they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. When the eggs hatch, the young cuckoos push the other eggs and chicks out of the nest. We discussed other brood parasites on the list of birds that start with P.

13. Jackal buzzard

In the avian world, there are different birds of prey. The jackal buzzard is a small to medium-sized raptor found in open habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It’s non-migratory.

It is a common species with a wide distribution and is not considered threatened. This bird species is black above with hints of brown and white below. It has a short, broad wingspan and typically hunts by soaring over open country in search of small mammals, reptiles, or birds to prey on.

Why is it called a jackal buzzard? Well because of its unique call “kaaa-haa-haa” which sounds like a black-backed jackal.

14. Jamaican tody

I think the Jamaican tody is one of the good-looking birds on this list. If you are a birder, get your journal and include this on your must-see list.

Tody is the Jamaican word for a small, sprightly bird that is found throughout the island and parts of Central America. This insectivorous bird is mostly green with a yellow belly and long red bill and throat. Notice its large head.

It is very vocal during its breeding season which starts in December through July. Its clutch has up to 4 eggs that take three weeks to hatch.

15. Japanese cormorant

Japanese cormorant

Plain with a long neck, the Japanese cormorant is a fish-eating bird found in coastal waters of Japan. They are relatively smaller compared to the great cormorant, measuring about 36 inches.

Japanese cormorants have black feathers, a long neck, and a hooked bill. They feed mainly on small fish, but will also eat crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans.

16. Javan hawk eagle

Favoring lowland forests, the Javan hawk-eagle is a raptor endemic to the Indonesian island of Java. This large, powerful bird of prey is the national bird.

The Javan hawk-eagle prefers to live in tall trees near water. It feeds mainly on birds, but also takes small mammals and reptiles. This eagle is monogamous and builds a large stick nest in a tall tree. The female lays two eggs, which she incubates for about 45 days.

The chicks hatch helpless and are cared for by both parents. There are about 1000 birds in the wild, which makes it an endangered species.

17. Jamaican woodpecker

With over 200 species, the woodpecker family is one of the biggest in the avian world. The Jamaican woodpecker is a bird that is found in Jamaica. It is a medium-sized woodpecker and has black and brown plumage with a white face. Take note of the red feathered head.

The bird is insectivorous and feeds mainly on insects, although it will also take fruit. The Jamaican woodpecker is found in forests and woodlands, and is usually seen alone or in pairs.

18. Japanese waxwings

The Japanese waxwing is a migratory bird that prefers coniferous forests. You can easily mistake them for the Bohemian waxwing because they bear the same plumage. These birds are about 8 inches long and have a wingspan of about 12 inches.

They are brown with pink markings on their wings and tails and yellowish bellies. They also have black masks and crests. The males and females look alike. Japanese waxwings eat berries and other fruit. They can be seen in flocks of up to 100 birds.

19. Jungle myna

Jungle myna

If you are looking for a black bird with yellow beak, the jungle myna fits the bill (pun intended). Myna birds are common throughout the world. They are often considered pests because they can be very noisy.

The jungle myna is a tropical myna that is found in Southeast Asia. Their eyes and feet are also bright yellow. Both parents build the nest and feed their young.

20. Jameson’s firefinch

The Jameson’s firefinch is a small passerine bird that is closely related to the gouldian finch. The males are brown colored with a red head and underparts.

Females are mainly brown with gray or brown underparts. These birds are social and live in flocks. They forage for food on the ground, mainly eating seeds.

21. Jackson’s hornbill

Like other birds in its family, the Jackson’s hornbill has a weird bill. Native to East African countries, the Jackson’s hornbill is a smaller, black and white bird found with a large, colorful beak that is used to make loud noises.

These birds are monogamous and mate for life. They build their nests high in the trees and lay two or three eggs. The chicks stay with their parents for up to three months, learning how to find food and survive in the forest.

22. Johanna’s sunbird

The Johanna’s sunbird is a small, brightly colored bird that is found in Africa and parts of Asia. This beautiful sunbird has a long downward curved bill that comes in handy when sucking nectar.

The male bird has a black back, an iridescent green head and purple throat. Notice its maroon-red belly. Females are mostly light brown. This sunbird is found in open woodland and forest edges, and feeds on insects and nectar.

23. Jandaya parakeet

One of the most stunning parakeets in the world is the jandaya parakeet. This temperate forests bird has green and orange feathers with blue tipped wings and a long tail.

They are known for their loud screeching call, which can be heard from a distance. These birds are social and live in flocks of up to 30 birds. They eat fruits, nuts, and seeds.

24. Japanese murrelet

The Japanese murrelet is a small seabird that is found in the Pacific Ocean. It is a member of the auk family, and is closely related to the puffin.

The Japanese murrelet is black and white, and has a whitish pointed beak. It prefers marine creatures and different types of fish.

25. James’s flamingo

One of the most beautiful birds in the world is the James’s flamingo. It is found in parts of South America and has a bright pink plumage that makes it stand out from other birds.

Being the smallest flamingo, it stands at up to 3 feet tall and can weigh up to 4 lbs. These birds are usually found in large flocks, and they can be very noisy.

26. Jacky winter

Jacky Winter is a small bird that is common in eastern and northern Australia. They are about the size of a house sparrow and have a brown back, pale underside, and black bih.

They eat insects and seeds. Jacky winters can be found in open forests, woodlands, parks, gardens, and agricultural areas.

27. Java sparrow

Java sparrow

Plump and gregarious, Java sparrows are small birds that are also known as java finch. Their scientific name is Padda oryzivora. Adults birds measure up to 6.7 inches and weigh up to 0.8 ounces. They are easy to identify because of their gray back and pink underside.

Take note of the black head and tail and the red bill. They produce a series of “chip” sounds which can get very noisy especially when they are in flocks.

28. Javan cuckooshrike

The Javan cuckooshrike is a small bird found in the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali. This species is typically around 10 inches in length, and has a dark gray or black plumage with a palish belly.

The Javan cuckooshrike prefers tall bare branches and is very vocal producing loud “wheeir” sounds.

29. Japanese robin

Japanese robin

Japanese robins are small birds that are endemic to Japan. It is closely related to the American robin, and is similarly in size. The Japanese robin is a common and familiar sight throughout much of Japan, where it is often seen perched on telephone wires or other exposed perches.

The male has an orange-brown back, orange head, and gray belly. Females are mostly gray with an orange face. It is a shy and retiring bird, and is not particularly vocal, except during the breeding season.

30. Jerdon’s babbler

Jerdon’s babbler is a small brown bird that is found in the Indian subcontinent. It is a member of the paradoxornithidae family and is related to rufous-tailed babbler. The bird is a common resident of open woodlands and scrub, and is often seen foraging for food on the ground.

These birds that start with j have a long tail and are mostly seen in small groups. They are insectivores and eat a variety of insects, including beetles, ants, and caterpillars.

31. Jet antbird

Jet antbirds are beautiful to look at. Black and bold, the male jet antbird is a black and white bird that is found in South America. Females are mostly gray with white streaks on their throat. This bird is about six inches in length.

The jet antbird is known for its ability to fly high and fast. It feeds on termites, earthworms and more. This shy bird that starts with letter j is known for harsh “reh-eh” sounds.

32. Jocotoco antpitta

The jocotoco antpitta is a type of bird that is found in the Andes mountain range in South America. They are considered to be rare and are classified as being “vulnerable” by the IUCN. They have a dull-brown coloration with white spots on their cheeks.

They are distinguishable from other species of antpitta due to their smaller size and lack of barring on their flanks.

33. Joyful greenbul

The greenbul is a small, perky bird that is found in montane forests in the African subcontinent . This bird has a rich olive-yellow color with a long tail. They are known for their exuberant songs.

34. Juba weaver

A fairly small and brightly colored bird, the Juba weaver is a must-watch for any bird watcher. They are known for their intricate woven nests, which can be up to two feet wide. Juba weavers are sexually dimorphic. Males have yellow bodies, black heads and brown chests while females are olive-gray.

They are social birds, typically living in colonies of up to 50 birds. Juba weavers feed on insects, and will also take berries and seeds from time to time.

35. Jonquil parrot

The jonquil parrot is a beautiful bird that is found in the rainforest in the Island of Timor. They are a medium-sized parrot that is mostly green with red patches on their wings and orange bill.

They have a long, pointed tail and a characteristic black band around their eyes. Jonquil parrots are shy birds that live in pairs or small groups. They eat fruits, seeds, and insects.

36. Junin grebe

Junin grebes are a species of bird that measure about 14 inches. They are classified as a grebe, which is a water bird. They are the only species of grebe that is found in Argentina.

They are a dark gray or black color with a white neck and underside. Their eyes are a stunning red and a sharp pale bill. They live near lakes and rivers and eat fish and other aquatic creatures.

37. Jungle owlet

One of the smallest birds in the world is the jungle owlet, which is found in the rainforest of Southeast Asia. These little birds are only about 7 inches long and weigh just over three ounces. They are mostly brown and barred with stunning yellow eyes.

Jungle owlets are insectivores, meaning that they eat mostly insects. They are very active birds and can be seen flitting through the trees in search of food. Their habitat ranges from deciduous forests to scrub forests.

38. Japanese thrush

With a pointed yellow bill, the Japanese thrush or grey thrush is a medium-size bird that is sexually dimorphic. Males are mostly black with a white spotted underside while females and juveniles are brown and spotted below.

These birds that start with J make nests out of moss and twigs. Females lay up to five eggs that take 13 days to hatch.

39. Jack snipe

The Jack Snipe is a small, secretive wader that is difficult to see in the wild. It is the smallest snipe species and is found in temperate and Arctic regions of Europe.

They measure up to 9 inches and have a mottled brown body. The Jack Snipe breeds in marshes and wet meadows, and winters in open country or wetlands.

40. Jamaican crow

Found in Jamaica, the Jamaican crow is a large, black bird that favors forests and woodlands. These crows feed on a variety of bird foods. They are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Jamaican crows are social animals and live in large groups.

They prefer building nests on tall trees. Their calls include bubbling and jabbering sounds.

41. Jackdaw bird

Jackdaw bird

Measuring about 15 inches, jackdaws are very noisy birds that prefer living in small groups. These intelligent birds are mostly shiny black and are known to be monogamous.

They make nests in tree cavities where females lay up to five blue-green eggs. Their diet consists of small invertebrates and they can also be seen scavenging for food in urban spaces. 




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