25 Types of Birds that Start with V (Images)

There are many different types of birds that start with v. The most well-known bird that starts with letter v is the vulture. Vultures are scavengers and feed on the carcasses of dead animals.

Apart from the scavengers above, there are other different of birds starting with v and in the article below we’ll look at names of over 25 birds, their breeding seasons, feeding habits, scientific name, and more.

List of Birds that start with V

1. Vanuatu petrel

The Vanuatu petrel is a small seabird that is found in the waters around the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. This petrel is dark gray in color on its back with a neat black cap. The neck and underparts are white.

It has a wingspan of about 16 inches and weighs about 12 ounces. The Vanuatu petrel feeds on small fish and crustaceans, and breeds in colonies on offshore islands. This bird is considered to be critically endangered due to its small population size and vulnerability to extinction from natural disasters or human-caused events.

2. Varied thrush

How can you tell the difference between thrush? The varied thrush is a small North American songbird that is easily identified by its striking orange and black plumage. Note the striking orange eye-stripe that’ll make it easy to tell it apart from other thrush species. The female’s back is gray.

This bird is migratory, spending the winter in Central America and Mexico, and the summer in the Pacific Northwest. The varied thrush is a shy bird that is not often seen by humans, but it is known for its beautiful song.

3. Variable antshrike

The varied antshrike whose scientific name is Thamnophilus caerulescens is a small passerine bird that is found in open woodlands and scrublands of Central and South America. The adult male is mostly black with white spots on the wings and tail.

The female has a dark brown back with white spots on the wings and orange-cinnamon underparts. Its tail is similar to the male’s; thin and easily seen from below. This species feeds on insects, which it captures by gleaning them from the foliage or by hawking them in the air.

The varied antshrike is a very vocal bird, with a repertoire of songs and calls that are used to communicate with other members of the species. The calls are a series of repetitive “ka” sounds.

4. Volcano junco

Another small bird that starts with V is the volcano junco. This bird is the size of a sparrow and is mostly found in Costa Rica. The bird is so named because it is often seen near volcanoes.

These birds are very territorial and can be quite aggressive towards other Juncos. They live in open areas near brush or trees and eat seeds, and fruit.

5. Vietnamese crested argus

Weighing about 3 lbs, Vietnamese crested argus is a bird that is found in Southeast Asia. It is slightly larger than most birds on this list of birds that start with V but slightly smaller compared to other common birds in the US such as the golden eagle.

It is a species of Argus pheasant, and is the most threatened of all the Argus pheasants. There are only about 250-300 individuals remaining in the wild, and the population continues to decline. The main threats to the Vietnamese crested argus are habitat loss and hunting.

To easily identify this bird, be on the look for a black bird with white spots (speckled) with a gigantic tail. Females are heavily streaked with a shorter tail.

6. Varied tit

There are a variety of birds that start with the letter “v.” The varied tit is a small, blue-gray bird that is endemic to parts of Asia. Its belly and chest are orange and the white cheeks make identification easier.

Where can you see the varied tit? This bird prefers parks, backyard feeders and gardens.

7. Venezuelan bristle tyrant

The Venezuelan bristle tyrant or Pogonotriccus venezuelanus is a small bird that favors tropical and subtropical moist forests of Venezuela. It is a member of the tyrannidae which includes other tyrants such as the great kiskadee.

The Venezuelan bristle tyrant is a plump bird, with olive-yellow upperparts, olive underparts, and white wing bars.

8. Violet turaco

One of the hardest birds to spot in Africa is the Violet turaco. Shy, reclusive and quiet, this turaco features a dark body with glossy black wings with red under-wings. Also, its unique facial feature sets it apart from other birds starting with V.

The head is mostly dark red with a red-yellow bill. This bird is a member of the Musophagidae family and is related to the guinea fowl. These birds eat fruit, seeds, slugs and snails. Violet turacos live in pairs or small groups and build nests in trees.

9. Vampire ground finch

Where are vampire finches found? Galápagos Islands. The vampire ground finch whose scientific names are Geospiza septentrionalis, is a species of bird that is known for its whistling calls.

This sparrow-like bird that begins with letter V is mostly black while the females are mostly gray but you’ll also notice brown streaks on their back.

The vampire ground finch is named for its habit of drinking the blood of other birds, particularly the blue-footed booby.

It has been observed preying on baby boobies as well as adults, often landing on their backs and pecking at their feathers to drink their blood. The vampire ground finch is also known to eat ticks and lice from the skin of other birds.

10. Vanuatu kingfisher

Looking for a beautiful bird to add to your birding journal? The Vanuatu kingfisher is a vibrant blue and orange bird that is slightly smaller than the laughing kookaburra.

This kingfisher is unique because of its white throat. It prefers nesting in holes and mostly feeds on termites. Breeding season starts in November through February.

11. Verdin bird

There are numerous types of birds with yellow on their feathers and the verdin bird is one of them. This small bird of North America is easily recognized by its bright yellow face and gray wings with a chestnut patch.

The Verdin is a very active bird and is always moving about its territory, either hopping along the ground or flitting through the trees. It is an insectivore and feeds mainly on spiders, beetles, and other insects.

The Verdin builds a simple cup-shaped nest out of twigs and grasses, which it typically places in a tree or shrub. Both the male and female help to incubate the eggs, and both parents also feed the young birds.

12. Village indigobird

Black is beautiful and one bird whose bird names belong to this group of v birds is the village indigobird.

It is a member of the viduidae family and is related to the pin-tailed whydah and quailfinch indigo bird. The Village Indigobird is endemic to Southern Africa where it inhabits villages, agricultural land, and gardens.

It is a gregarious species that often forms small flocks. Males and females are differently colored; males are black with a black face while females are mostly brown and buff underneath.

13. Violet-hooded starling

The violet-hooded starling is a shy and reclusive bird that can be found in the understory and lower canopy of moist tropical forests in parts of Africa and Asia. With its drab plumage, it is easy to overlook this small bird, but it’s beautiful violet hood makes it unmistakable.

Little is known about the biology of this species, but it is thought to be insectivorous. Violet-hooded starlings are very timid and will often fly away at the slightest disturbance. They are not commonly seen by humans, so much of their behavior and ecology remains a mystery.

14. Varied bunting

Looking for a purple bird? The varied bunting is a North American songbird that is found in a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, prairies, and meadows. The male of this species is easily recognizable by its bright blue plumage on its head, red patch behind its head, and hark body with hints of purple.

Females are mostly tan with a stout bill. These birds are known for their melodic songs, which can be heard from great distances. Varied buntings typically migrate south in the fall, and return to their breeding grounds in the spring.

15. Vega gull

The Vega gull is a medium-sized gull that is mostly gray and white with a black tail. Adults are white with black markings on the wings and a black tail. They have a yellow bill and and cute pink legs. The Vega gull is named for the bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra.

These gulls are usually seen in small flocks near the shoreline, where they feed on fish, and other small creatures.

The Vega gull is not considered to be a threatened species, but they are declining in numbers due to habitat loss and disturbance from humans.

16. Versicolored barbet

There are numerous green birds with red heads and the Versicolored barbet is part of this group. Apart from that, it is one of the birds whose common name starts with v.

The versicolored barbet is a species of bird that is found in the forests of Central and South America. These birds are about 6.3 inches (16 cm) long and have brightly colored feathers that mostly green

They have a yellow-green bill and yellow throat. Versicolored barbet are very active birds that love to play and climb in the trees. They are also known for their loud singing, which can be heard from far away. These birds eat a variety of foods, including fruit and nuts.

17. Vincent’s bunting

One of the most interesting birds that starts with V is Vincent’s bunting. This small songbird is mostly gray with chestnut wings.

These birds are known for their energetic 6-note songs, which can be heard from a long distance away. Vincent’s buntings eat seeds and insects, and prefer open areas where they can easily find food.

18. Virginia rail

The Virginia rail is a common and conspicuous bird in wetlands across the eastern United States. They are usually seen walking on the ground or wading in shallow water, but they can also fly short distances.

These rails have a reddish-brown body with heavily streaked black. They eat aquatic insects, crustaceans, and small fish. Virginia rails build a dome-shaped nest of reeds, grasses, or other plant material near water.

The female lays 4 to 13 eggs, which the male incubates for about three weeks. Both parents care for the young birds until they are able to fly and fend for themselves.

19. Variable goshawk

Accipiter hiogaster or the variable goshawks are medium-sized birds of prey. They are found throughout North Africa and parts of Asia. The variable goshawk is a very versatile hunter, capable of taking down prey of many different sizes. It typically feeds on small to medium-sized mammals, which includes birds and reptiles.

The variable goshawk is a very agile bird, capable of flying at high speeds and making quick turns. It is also a very determined predator, known to pursue its prey for long distances.

20. Velvet-fronted grackle

Another medium-sized black bird with V is the velvet-fronted grackle. This black bird is widely distributed in the parts of Central America. They are common in open habitats such as fields, pastures, and agricultural areas. These birds are gregarious, usually seen in small flocks, but can sometimes be found foraging alone.

They are known for their vocalizations, which include a variety of rattles, whistles, and chatters. The velvet-fronted grackle is an omnivore and eats a variety of items such as seeds, fruit, and other small prey.

21. Vesper sparrow

The Vesper sparrow is a small, brown bird found in open areas across the US. Vesper sparrows are ground nesters and build their nests of grasses and stems. They typically have two to four eggs per brood.

These birds feed on seeds and insects, and can be observed hopping along the ground or flying low to the ground in search of food. How long can a vesper sparrow live? Three years in the wild and one has lived for 7 years in captivity.

22. Violet crow

The violet crow is a little-known bird that is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. This crow is so named because of its purplish sheen on its feathers, which are a striking contrast to the black feathers of most crows.

Violet crows are shy and secretive birds, and are rarely seen by humans. They are expert climbers, and can often be found perched high in the trees. These birds live in solitary, in pairs or in small groups.

23. Vulturine parrot

Measuring about 9 inches in length, the vulturine parrot is the only member of the vulturine parrot family, and is found in the Amazon. Vulturine parrots are mostly green with a black head with a yellow stripe.

They live in forests and woodlands, and typically perch high in trees. These birds are very social, forming flocks of up to 30 individuals. They are also very vocal, making a variety of loud calls. Vulturine parrots breed year-round, laying 2-4 eggs in a tree cavity. The chicks stay with the parents for several months after hatching.

24. Volcano swiftlet

Volcano swiftlets are a unique type of bird that can be found near volcanoes in Java. They are distinguishable by their dark brown back and pale underneath, and they make their homes in the cracks and crevices of the volcanoes.

These birds are able to withstand high temperatures and thrive in the harsh environment near volcanoes. They feed on insects that are drawn to the heat of the volcano, and they also use the volcanic ash to help build their nests.

25. Vogelkop bowerbird

Measuring about 14 inches in length, the vogelkop bowerbird is a common bird in Western New guinea. How can you identify this bowerbird? Be on the look for huge nests on the ground and medium-size olive birds hovering around it.

Vogelkop bowerbirds are known to construct gigantic tent-shaped nests that can be up to 5 feet in diameter. They are also known to artistically design the entryway of their nests with shiny objects. 




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